Avoid Using ‘Very’ to Sound More Powerful in English

Using alternatives for the word “very” can help make your writing more precise, concise, and engaging. Here are some reasons why:

Precision: “Very” is a vague and general term that does not convey much meaning. Using a more specific word can help you express your ideas more precisely and accurately. For example, instead of saying “very happy,” you could say “ecstatic” or “delighted.”

Conciseness: Using “very” can make your writing sound wordy and repetitive. By using a more specific word, you can convey the same meaning in fewer words. This can help make your writing more concise and easier to read.

Engagement: Using a variety of descriptive words can help make your writing more engaging and interesting to read. By avoiding overuse of “very,” you can create a more dynamic and engaging style.

Overall, using alternatives for the word “very” can help improve the quality and impact of your writing.

Here are some examples of alternatives for expressions with the word “very”:

Instead of                   say:

very happy        ->      overjoyed – ecstatic – elated

very sad             ->      devastated – heartbroken – grief-stricken

very tired          ->      exhausted – drained – weary

very hungry      ->      starving – famished – ravenous

very cold           ->      freezing – chilly – frigid

very hot             ->      sweltering – scorching – boiling

very important ->      critical – vital – crucial

very good          ->      excellent – outstanding – superb

very bad            ->      terrible – awful – dreadful

very pretty        ->      gorgeous – stunning – beautiful

So, don’t depend on intensifiers to give your weak words power. Choose strong, specific language to strengthen your writing. Good luck!